Jenks Elementary students to resume in-person learning

Middle and high school students will remain in distance learning until next week

JENKS, Okla. — Jenks students in Elementary classes will head back to in-person learning this week.

An update from Jenks Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Stacey Butterfield was sent out to parents and students over the holiday break. In it, Dr. Butterfield announced Elementary and Intermediate students – grades Pre-K-6 – will resume in-person learning on Monday.

Secondary students will begin the second semester in distance learning. Students in grades 7-12 will be in distance learning from through January 8th.

“A week of distance learning for grades 7-12 immediately following Winter Break is consistent with our decision to remain in distance learning the week after Thanksgiving Break,” Dr. Butterfield says. “Secondary students will transition to in-person learning on Monday, January 11. Our goal is for all school sites to remain in-person as long as we have the staffing capacity to do so.”

Jenks officials say they’ve been gathering information from multiple sources including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Tulsa Health Department (THD), State Department of Education (SDE) and other districts across the state. They say COVID case numbers, as well as staffing capacity, will be the primary factors in how the district makes decisions moving forward.

According to Dr. Butterfield, “With more people traveling and gathering, we expected to see a rise in positive cases after Thanksgiving. To exercise caution, secondary students remained in distance learning the week after Thanksgiving.”

The district reports over the last few weeks, positive cases at the elementary/intermediate level have remained low, and hope the extra week of distance learning for the older students will provide ”an important buffer and likely prevent many students and employees from quarantine.”