Man has 130 pound tumor removed

Doctor: Growth may have started as an ingrown hair

A patient has lost 130-pounds by having a tumor removed.

A Mississippi man who was told he was simply fat has had the tumor removed during an operation in Bakersfield.

Roger Logan of Gulfport had the surgery on Jan. 31.

He's staying at Bakersfield Memorial Hospital for another week or so.

His surgeon says the tumor probably began as an ingrown hair on his abdomen that became infected.

It grew so large that when he sat it reached the floor.

He spent most of his time in an armchair in a room.

Logan tells KERO-TV that at first, doctors told him he was just fat.

Later, he was told surgery was too risky.

Logan tells the Bakersfield Californian that his found a specialist to remove it.

Now, he's looking forward to resuming his life - out of the armchair.